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Old 06-12-2019, 04:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 3
Default 4100 SCA Bilge pumps

I am a new owner and trying to sort out a bunch of issues. The first is bilge pumps. I don't believe my rear pump is working at all and plan to trouble shoot first the switch. I am having a weird wiring issue.
1. My Mid pump comes on automatically and then will not turn off. All of the bilge lights on the fly bridge will light up when this happens - front, mid and aft. The only way I get it to turn off is to turn on the mid pump and then turn it off. This turns off the indicator lights for the mid and rear pumps but the front one continues to stay lit.
2. I have removed the panel that these switches are mounted in and checked the ground. So I wanted to disable the pump temporarily and tried unplugging all of the wires on the back and it has no affect, I also tried disconnecting them from the fuse under the front flybridge seat and that had no affect.
3. I cannot figure out how to get to the mid bilge pump. I removed the floor in the engine room but there is still another floor that the pump sounds like it is under.

Any experience out there dealing with any of these issues?

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Old 07-06-2019, 04:34 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Live in Mandevill, LA - Boat in Pensacola & Perdido, FL
Posts: 79

Sounds like someone did a unique wiring to the bilge pump circuits. What year of SCA? How many bilge pumps do you have...I've seen anywhere from 1 or 2 in the engine bilge, and 1 or 2 in the aft cabin bilge, and 1 for the front under the stairs. When you say you can't get to the mid-bilge pump, is that under the generator or in the aft cabin. Any pics you can supply? If you're removing fuses and they are still running, sounds like someone by-passed the safety circuits.

BTW, what floor in the engine room? Then another. Did the prior owner install them? Pics will help a lot.
Glenn111 is offline   Reply With Quote

electrical, fuse panel, mid-bilge access

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