Looking to add AC to 2400SCR
Hi there. I'm looking to add an AC unit to my 2001 2400SCR. I know the option was available but mine never had it. I was looking into installing a Marineair unit. From what I have researched so far, it looks like the unit will fit right behind my fridge. I am trying to figure out where the ductwork would go. I have a small vent in the little cuddy bed area at the mid-berth (I think I'm calling it right). I originally thought this was a pre-installed vent, but in looking around, it appears it might be a vent for the fridge? Anyone who has a 2400, any chance you can tell me, or even better shoot a few pics of your vent locations? Do you only have 1 in and 1 out vent? If the vent in the mid-berth cabin isn't for AC like I thought, does that area cool down still? I like it cold enough to have penguins running around while I sleep, so found it very uncomfortable sleeping on the boat during the summer, hence why I'm springing to put in the AC.