Installing AC in 2400SCR and Head hoses in the way
So I am installing an AC unit into my 2400, and trying to put the unit behind the fridge where I believe the stock one goes. Unfortunately, the hoses from the head are in the way and I can't fit the unit. I guess I am going to need to run new hose and put them up a bit over the AC unit? I don't see any other option here. Anyone ever run new hoses? Is it as Sh***y as I think it's gonna be? Any idea what size hose it is? Hose is ridiculously expensive...seems to be like $17 a foot. Ideally I would like to have the new stuff here so I'm not needing to leave the system open any longer than I need to. The other option I was pondering was maybe building a shelf of some sort that I can put the AC unit on. I'm thinking if it's raised a bit, that might clear the hoses and I can leave them alone.