We bought our first boat early summer of 2020, a 1998 Seaswirl 180 eighteen foot bowrider powered by a Volvo Penta 4.3L GL carbureted with SX single prop outdrive. It was a decent boat, a little scuffed on the keel from too much beaching but it buffed up nice. Some of the wood was a bit soft but the gas tank was poly so no worries there. Engine ran pretty good, only had to be towed back to the boat ramp twice due to some mysterious vapor lock condition that always resolved itself in the driveway on the muffs. It was a good first boat, giving no impression that boating was one of those things that required little time or expenditure, but still loads of fun!
This first season the family realized that the boating lifestyle was for us. We wanted something we could overnight on, though, so once the Seaswirl was winterized and put up for the season the search began.