Pre-purchase question -2000 Maxum 2100 BR
Hello everyone,
I am new to the board and new to boat ownership. I have been crew on many boats but have never owned my own.
I have been looking for a good boat for about 6 months and finally found one. It is a 2000 Maxum 2100SR. It seems like it is great shape and has had a lot of engine work done prior to winterization. New starter, spark plugs, new seals and filters, new pump, new alternator, new belts, and new power steering pump. He also bought a brand new Bimini that has never seen the sun. The owner is looking for $10,500 Canadian
When I asked the HIN for the boat the owner said that there isn't one. I told him to look at the starboard transom area and he said there wasn't one there. Now I know that as of 1981 that all boats had to have an HIN. I am hoping he doesn't know what he is looking for but barring that, does any know where else the HIN would be. I understand it may be in more than one location.
Also, does anyone have an electronic version of the manual for the boat. I went to the website that was recommended on this forum but couldn't find anything specific for the 2100SR.
Thank you for any and all information that you can provide. I look forward to participating in this forum and learning from all of your expertise.
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