I have the '96 2100 SR2 with the 5.7 2bbl and I love it. Mine is just a bit heavier and I have plenty of power so you should be good with it in yours. I do wish sometimes I had the 4bbl until I pull up to the pump and then I am glad it is just the 2bbl again

I would have it surveyed if you can. It is an older boat so make sure you check for a soft floor, hull damage, etc... as well as have the motor checked out good. If all is in good order, I think you will like this model.
I have an Alum. 21 prop and with 2 adults and 1 small child, I can get to about 55 mph and can easily pull up skiers. For you since you will have more people on board, may want to prop it with a 19 to get it out a bit quicker.