Hi everyone
I've just bought myself a Maxumboat. I've got this one really cheap ($21k) since the engine doesn't start. But the rest is working properly, just needs a good wash and some new carpets inside and some refurbishing which this boats deserves. The original cabin door and latch is missing, so there's homemade instead. With a new 7,4l engine ready in may I think this ship would be worth about $40-50. (In Norway that is. Everything is ridiculous expensive..) If you're curious about our prices, check Maxum boats on our national biggest marketplace on internet:
I've also got this huge US trailer, which I might get about $3-4K for I think.
The reason for my flipping is that boatfuel is about $3,5 pr litre, and the 7.4l mpi is quite thirsty. If it haven't been for some big taxes I have to pay in august, this is a boat I definitely would have for myself and my family. But with a dieselengine.
Took a photo today after washing my ds3. This "ship" is huge. Can't wait for getting it on the water and try it before the sale

I'll take several photos for documenting the upgrades and share this with you. If you got some neat trixes and fixes you know about I'll be really happy if you shared them in this thread.