Drum Brake Adjustment
I just installed new wheel cylinders in my new-to-me trailer. It's a single axle with surge brake system built in 2005. Brake cylinders were frozen solid with heavy layer of gunk.
Installation of new cylinders went fine. Got them installed and believe I have bled all of the air out of the brake system.
When testing the new cylinders, they extend the plunger about one quarter to one half inch when the tongue actuator is fully depressed. My question; is this amount of travel normal? I don't know what "right" looks like. I was expecting the plunger to extend more.
Also, after fully depressing the tongue actuator and releasing it, the actuator only rebounds about half way. It looks like the actuator has about an inch and a half of full travel, but only rebounds about three quarter inch when I release pressure. I have pumped the brakes and they get firmer, but still slight plunger movement and short actuator rebound.
Your suggestions are questions are welcome. thank you, Randy