Propeller Clutch
I am a new boater that recently puchased a 2000 Maxum 2700 SCR. The boat has a proported 130 hours on it. I must state that although I am relativly familiar with automobiles I know very little if anything about boat mechanics.
On the last trip out I heard a funny clunk noise emanate from the engine hold accompanied by a vibration that whas not there before. Bear in mind this was only the third time I had taken the boat out so I am not "in tune" with the boat and its normal operating sounds and performance. The vibration and noise disappeared as soon as I applied more throttle and did not reappear.
I took the boat out today and noticed that at any given RPM the boat was not travelling at a speed that I felt was appropriate. In other words I should have been travelling much faster for any given RPM. The engine sounds and runs great just no speed.
When I got home I checked the survey report I had done prior to buying the boat to confirm if my "seat of the pants observation" had any merit and it appears as if there is a problem. At 3000 RPM during the survey we were travelling at roughly 23 MPH now I am lucky to get 10.
I called a friend that has a friend that once owned a marina and knows boats and his response without seeing the boat was that the propeller clutch was bad or going bad. Does this make sense? I'm so ignorant about boat mechanicals that I didn't even know there was a clutch.
My two other questions are: Can I accomplish the repair myself? I am very mechaically inclined especially if I have some sort of manuel to refer to. The other is how much should a repair of this sort cost if I have done professionally.
Thank you in advance for your input. It is very much appreciated.