Thought I would start a new thread about just the engine. So I took it to the lake this morning here is what happened.
Started great with 3-4 pumps of throttle turn key over then pump throttle 3-4 more times and it fired right up. Let it warm up just above idle for about 4 minutes everything seemed great. Push off engage reverse and works great. Back to neutral and as soon as I engage forward it stalls. So I get it fired back up only way is to full throttle while cranking but as soon as I throttle back it dies trying this 3 - 4 times. To get it going I had to quickly go back to neutral and put it into full throttle instantly. So ran for about 4-5 minutes good but not letting the rpms go down then when I did decide to turn dropped rpms ran ok but then when I went to go full throttle again it just limped along at about 60-75% so I took it back to the dock.
Thats not it...Got it out of the water pull drain and a little oil comes out ): look in engine bay and theres about 500ml of oil. So now I have a oil leak. When I idled it in the driveway for about 25mins yesterday I was watching engine and did not notice anything leaking. I took a few pics I found what looks like a screw missing on the top under the yellow hose coming from the carb. But no idea if this is where its from. I did have the engine spotless from cleaning yesterday. Thanks for any advice before its off to the mechanic.