That's a great price for ten feet of LEDs... do you think these would illuminate the light under the swim platform like the more expensive lights that I've seen advertised and have to be mounted under water? I can think of EXACTLY where I'd mount them, and the website says they're for "Indoor/Outdoor use", I wonder if they could hold up to the swirling and sloshing water under my extended swim platform while under way or on-plane?
I was on a guy's 32' SeaRay a couple years ago when he turned them on at night at a marina and the fish FLOCKED to the light... very cool. I agree with SeaPuppy, I remove the CLA plugs all the time on 12V devices and replace them with a switch. But whaddya think, MaxumOwner'sClub? Do the lights have to be underwater to create the fish-catching "glow" I desire?
Jeff Means